Campaign Description

At least 100% of donations will go to March of Dimes

For the first official BabyNamy Campaign, this is not for an actual pregnancy.  All Campaigns by people must be pregnant.   This campaign is to introduce people to BabyNamy, and people can donate funds to the Non-Profit March of Dimes.   100% of the sponsored names will go to the Nonprofit. 

The First name is BOYS, the Middle name is for Girls.  Please select or add your favorite name you want to support.  Sorry that we have to use the First/Middle names for Boys/Girl selections. 

For those having twins or more, please Start a BabyNamy Campaign for each upcoming child. 

We currently support the following non-profits as we're just opening our doors to the public.  They are the March of Dimes and Children's Health Fund.  We will be adding several more very soon.  The non-profits we will be working with are those involved in Babies, young children, new moms, and pregnant women. 

Sponsor Messages