Campaign Description

Hi my name is Taylor I am currently pregnant with my 3rd child we tried 4 years and just never got a positive pregnancy test. I went to my OB/GYN and had the genetic blood test done we was blessed with our sweet boy. When I was pregnant with my last 2 girls I had an iron deficiency with my first I went into preterm labor twice my second I went into preterm labor my cervix shorting and when I delivered I had an abruption placenta  Being history with them my doctor considered me high risk with my 3rd and was gunna monitor me more closely.

July of last year i had complication with my heart I had to wear a heart monitor. My doctor wanted to follow up on my heart being pregnant so I went in August of this year and got bad news.  My heart was declining fast  they later found out that i have hyperthyroidism  my calcium glands are broken. I see an endocrinologist every week I'm on a lot of calcium supplements to help boost my calcium back to normal .The supplements helped but wasn't strong enough about a month ago my calcium dropped critical. My doctor had no choice  but to put me on a medicine that isn't safe or been approved for pregnancy .I been on the medicine plus supplements and my levels are finally up,

They have been monitoring baby closely and so far He is doing great measuring right along and weighing right I'm not completely out the woods I am considered extremely high risk being my heart and calcium problems I been put back on a heart monitor because I been having pass out spells I have to wear it for 1 month Being so high risk I cant work to help my husband and bills never stop coming  .I am under a lot of stress  with taken care of my 2 girls and going to all my doctors appointments I  usually have 3 or more per week  and stress isn't good for little man I am on so 11 pills daily  and trying to get all that in  and do daily activities it's very stressful.

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